Programs and Events

Chili-To-Go is Back!
No Fooling!
Apr. 1
Saturday 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Reserve your meal and pick-up time
Call 603-938-2300 by
Mar. 29
Treat Yourself to SHS's Famous
Chili To Go
Choose from:
Beef or Vegetarian Chili Meal
Single $10 or Double $18
Single meal includes: Double Meal includes:
Pint of Chili Quart of Chili
Corn Muffin 2 Corn Muffins
Cookie 2 Cookies
Check or Cash Exact Change Only
No Fooling!
Apr. 1
Saturday 3:30 - 5:30 PM
Reserve your meal and pick-up time
Call 603-938-2300 by
Mar. 29
Treat Yourself to SHS's Famous
Chili To Go
Choose from:
Beef or Vegetarian Chili Meal
Single $10 or Double $18
Single meal includes: Double Meal includes:
Pint of Chili Quart of Chili
Corn Muffin 2 Corn Muffins
Cookie 2 Cookies
Check or Cash Exact Change Only
Oct. 30
Sunday |
Sutton Historical Society
ANNUAL MEETING Please join us for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Sutton Historical Society on Sunday, October 30 at 3:00 PM. This meeting will be held in person at the First Free Will Baptist Church in North Sutton. Following a brief business meeting, we will enjoy a special presentation by Town Historian Jack Noon about Sutton Early Times that includes Q&A with Jack. Refreshments will be served during a social hour at the conclusion of the meeting and presentation. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE MEETING! EVERYONE IS INVITED! |
Aug 6
Saturday 4 PM |
A Meetinghouse Presentation at the MeetinghouseSHS presents New England’s Colonial Meetinghouses and their Impact on American Society presented by Paul Wainwright at the newly (almost) restored South Sutton Meetinghouse. The program is funded by a New Hampshire Humanities Community Project Grant to support public humanities programs across New Hampshire. The Who, What, When, Where and Why of Colonial Meetinghouses using photographs of the few surviving "mint condition" meetinghouses as illustrations.
The program will be open to the public at no charge. SHS will sponsor a social hour with refreshments immediately following the presentation. Learn more here. |
July 24
Sunday 4 - 6 PM |
Community Variety Show |
Come enjoy the acoustical ambiance of the historic South Sutton Meetinghouse while watching your friends and neighbors entertain us all in song, story, and more!
Free admission. Basket Raffle with multiple themes to appeal to all! Raffle proceeds will support the Schoolhouse Renovation project. Please share this event! All welcome! |
August 20
Sunday 11 AM |
Sutton's 108th Old Home Day 2023 |
Old Home Day Service with traditional costumes and customs will be held at newly restored South Sutton Meetinghouse. Please join us.
December 20
Sunday 5 PM |
2020 Annual Christmas Pageant
Watch the video trailer here -->
VIDEO PREMIERED December 20 The pandemic gave us a holiday gift; a reason to create a virtual video rendition of the traditional Sutton Annual Christmas Pageant at the historic South Sutton Meetinghouse for all to enjoy! The video production of the traditional pageant is now available online, complete with historic recordings from Christmas Pageants past! |
Aug. 23 Sunday 11AM
106th Old Home Day Video Premiere
Enjoy the sneak peek video below!
We are please to announce the online video premiere of the 106th Sutton Old Home Day Services. Join us on Old Home Day from the comfort of your home. Please ask your family and friends to share in a new tradition during this extraordinary year.
* Please note that the in-person meetinghouse service will not be held. VIDEO PREMIERE Sunday August 23 at 11 AM. Set a reminder and don't miss it! Following the premiere, the video will remain available online for all to enjoy at any time. |
Nov. 14
Saturday |
Sutton Historical Society
CHILI TO GO Let SHS prepare your dinner while you support a great cause! Call 603-938-2300 by Thursday, November 12 to place your order for Beef or Vegetarian Chili Dinner complete with corn muffin and cookies. Curbside Pickup 3:30 - 5:30 Saturday, November 14 at the Sutton Historical Society headquarters 655 Rt. 144, South Sutton |